My daughter is turning 15 in July. Is it too late to start planning for her Quinceanara. We have never been to one or done one. We done some research online. However we are still stuck on where to start and how to do it. Does anyone have a checklist or something we can work off of it. To start this process. Do you think it is too late. Please help!!!!!
Posted by Maggie; updated 01/02/04
No its not to late
If u can find a church where u can do the ceremony than u can still plan everything if u want more help email me at c_silvia_88@yahoo.com
Posted by silvia; updated 01/02/04
You can email me marcie1234@hotmail.com and I will send you a list to follow but for sure the first thing is the church the hall because the can be full up to one year
Posted by marcie; updated 01/02/04