Hey u guys.. Having a quinceanera is the best thing in the world... Is a real enjoyable moment that u will cherish for the rest of ur life. All my girlz who r having 15th I wish yall the best! Im 16 and I was gonna have a big fancy quinceanera.. I was so excited about it. But um, a week before my 15th my dad died in a car accident. It waS VERY hard for me to accept. Till this day, I hasnt had a quinceanera. I know it`s gonna be different without my dad in it, but i just want to experience what i never got to.. Do yall honeslty think that is wrong? Well I dont know... Well yall tell me what u think. Shoudl I HAVE one?
Posted by Isabel; updated 12/31/03


Hey, um i am sorry about your dad......:(.....but i think you should still have a Quince cuz you should be able to remember something good that happened in your life and you should be able to tell you kids about your special day. But it is also up to you if you want one cuz no one will make you have one if you don`t want it. I think you should go for it....it`s a once in a lifetime chance and maybe your dad would have wanted you to have one cuz life goes on in a good way. I think he would have probably wanted you to be happy. Think about what you will miss out on. Well I hope i was helpful and good luck on your decision Bye.
Posted by Smiley; updated 12/31/03


Thanks for the advice. I do want a 15th but um sometimes I think that it`s wrong to be wanting one after my dad`s accident. Esque yo me quede con las ganas to experience this beautiful experience.. And everytime I go to a 15th, I always cry...Becuz it`s such a wonderful experience they r having and when theyr`e dancing with their dad..They look so happy.. And that is what make me cry more because they are having an experience I will never get to experience again. The only memories i cherish is at my quinceanera recitals where i would dance with my dad and i would watch him goof off with my court of honor. He was so crazy. = ) He`s gonna live in my memory forever. So I just advice yall quinceaneras to thanks ur dad for this wonderful day and cherish him wile u still have him. Well I do want one but were so tight with the money.. I dont care if it`s small what matter is the experience and the fact that u r with ur family. Do u guys have any ideas on how toraise money??
Posted by Isabel; updated 01/01/04


Well a choice you have is to have a fundraiser with your family or if you have extra time you could get a part time job. The more padrinos you have the less money you have to spend.Instead of a hall you can do it like at a house with a big back yard. These are a few things i could think of.
Posted by Smiley; updated 01/01/04


Yep, Im going to start working at Burger King, starts selling loliipops for 25cents but i need more ideas, Thanks for ur ideas though.
Posted by ISSY; updated 01/01/04


Hey! Although the accident and all about your dad happened, I think you should still have a 15neara. It`s a really special time in a girls life. Although your dad won`t be there with you he`ll be in your heart and watching over you. Some people might say, " she`s having a 15neara after what happened with her dad?" They are going to think that you don`t care, but it doesn`t matter what they think. El siempre va estar con tigo en tu corazon. NO importa que diga la otra gente.
My 15neara will be ion January 17, 2004!!1:)
Posted by Brooke; updated 01/01/04


That is awesome! I wish you da best on ur quinces! What vals r u guys going to do? Are u having a baile sopresa? That`s cool. Im happy for u. Well Im going to do everything it takes to make my dream a reality.. Hmm I could almost imagine it.. Me dancing the vals with my crush.. HEHE. And de regalo sopresa... Hmmm = )
Posted by Isabel; updated 01/01/04


So where do you live? Me? In Texas. We are going to do the vals de las mariposas. Do you know which one? I am going to have Piramide to play in my 15neara. They are a grupo from Chihuahua. Write me back A/S/A/P/.
Posted by Brooke; updated 01/01/04


Hey Isabel sorry about your dad. Well u asked for my opinion so i`m gonna give it to you I think you should still have your quinceanera. Because everything was planned out already right and your dad was involved with all of that he was ready to dance the valz with you and he was ready to do it all for you. I know it`s hard but like you said it`s a once in a lifetime oppurtunity. I know your dad isn`t gonna be there and you won`t get the chance to dance with him but just imagine that you are and know that he`s in heaven looking at you. He would want you to be happy. So have lots of fun and don`t feel bad like Brooke said don`t worry about what other people say they don`t know what you feel inside. My quince is on February 21,2004. If you decide to have your quince when will it be? Oh you can also get all your court of honor and make a car wash, make bake sales, get lots of padrinos and save money from your new job at Burger King!!!!!!!!!!Bye!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted by lorena; updated 01/01/04


Hey Isabel sorry about your dad. Well u asked for my opinion so i`m gonna give it to you I think you should still have your quinceanera. Because everything was planned out already right and your dad was involved with all of that he was ready to dance the valz with you and he was ready to do it all for you. I know it`s hard but like you said it`s a once in a lifetime oppurtunity. I know your dad isn`t gonna be there and you won`t get the chance to dance with him but just imagine that you are and know that he`s in heaven looking at you. He would want you to be happy. So have lots of fun and don`t feel bad like Brooke said don`t worry about what other people say they don`t know what you feel inside. My quince is on February 21,2004. If you decide to have your quince when will it be? Oh you can also get all your court of honor and make a car wash, make bake sales, get lots of padrinos and save money from your new job at Burger King!!!!!!!!!!Bye!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted by lorena; updated 01/01/04



Yes, im sorry about your dad but im sure that you dad would want you to have. Even though your dads not physically there hes there spitally there. I think that you should have one bc your always going to remember that even in your life. IF you eve need to talk to me about things anything you can email me at hotbec46@sbcglobal.net. God bless and good luck.

P.s. By having a quinceanera is not saying that you dont care its saying that you love him and never will forget your him.also you can maybe do something in memory of him. WEll write back if you want.xoxox

Posted by becca; updated 01/01/04


Hey, you guys are right! Well hopefully I can make it come true. If I will have it, it would probably be in a little ballroom no more than 1,000 dollars. But it will not matter because what would matter is that you are with your family and surrounded by people who care about you. And that is worth more than a big fancy ballroom. Well, Brooke I live in Texas also! That a cool song for your vals. Well you guys thanks for your advice and opinions. It made me feel better about this whole situation. Thanks alot and always remember though um we live far apart, you guys can count on me if you need help of some kind.
Much Love,
U guys can e-mail me her. Alright Take Care
Posted by Issy; updated 01/02/04


Hey do you happen to live anywhere near Odessa or San Angelo? You can e-mail me anytime you wanna talk at fifteenthrose@hotmail.com. I know we really don`t know each other, but hey you can trust me with and about anything. This is my personal e-mail and nobody but me can get into it -k-.
Write me back A/S/A/P/
Posted by Brooke; updated 01/02/04


I am very sorry to hear about your dad. I was supposed to have one as well, and now that i am 16 and attend quinceneras i feel jelous at the simple fact that i didn`t have one. I don`t think that you should hold back because of your father`s death, i think that no matter what he will be happy and he will be there on your special(if you decided to have one) he will be watching you and he will smile down on you and see his little girl shine. He won`t be there in person, but his spirit will. Just remember that you should go ahead and have one, its a wonderful experience and i wish you the best of luck! i think it will be a great thing to pay a tribute to your dad and let people know how much you miss him and how much you wish he was there with you in that very special day! hope this made you feel better in some way!
Posted by g baby; updated 01/03/04


If I have one, I WILL make a poem dedicated to him and read it on my quinces. Why didnt u have one?
Posted by issy; updated 01/07/04


Hey im really sorry what happend to your dad but even though your died he will be watching you and hell behappy for his daughter even though your dad is dead hell always be alive in your heart and in you memoriez good luck with your quincenera . Im gonna have one and yeah i think its the best thing ever well good luck have fun....
Posted by yesenia; updated 02/08/04