O YeAh!!!!! MY QUiNcE IS In 5 MOnThS YeAh!!!!

So i still i need advice on my dress its on marys bridal its on the quince section and it`s the 3rd page it`s number 13 so if u peeps could write back it would be great thanxs!!!!!!!!!

~*~ pEaCe~*~
Posted by jEaNetTe; updated 12/31/03


What kinda advice do you need?
Posted by Smiley; updated 12/31/03


Well i think it`s nice but the thing is that if the dress is heavy then your neck is gonna hurt but id don`t matter i think it is a beautiful dress and you should go for it. Hey what are your colors?
Posted by Smiley; updated 12/31/03


Wut day is ur quincenaera on? by the way mine is june 19, 2004.....5 months and 19 days!!!!! im already counting!!!! lol
Posted by Aiyana; updated 01/01/04


Wud up i;m really exsited too beacuse my 15 is in 4 months but i`m have a question does anybody think 2 months is too long ahead to start the waltz?

Email me back please
Posted by melissa; updated 01/01/04


Wud up i;m really exsited too beacuse my 15 is in 4 months but i`m have a question does anybody think 2 months is too long ahead to start the waltz?

Email me back please
Posted by melissa; updated 01/01/04


Hey melissa i don`t think it`s too long away i think it`s just perfect i started mine in mid novemer and my 15 is in february 21 2004 it`s good so everbody can get the steps right. But i`m doing the walts a cumbia and a wapango.
Posted by lorena; updated 01/01/04


Hey jeanette your dress is really nice. Shit it`s beautiful!!
What r u`r colors gonna be it would like nice in pink.
Posted by lorena; updated 01/01/04