Professional TATEFUL Sexy Photos For My Finac

Hi!! I am searching for info in photographers in the Kansas City area, who do professional, TASTEFUL, sexy photos... I would like some done of myself as a gift for my finacee... :) Thanks for your help, and Happy New Year!!! :)
Posted by Jen; updated 12/26/03


I also wanted this done for my fiance and had a friend do them in my own home. They turned out really nice and I went to a printing place and had them made into a calendar. He loved it. It didn`t cost much because I did the photos my self. Just put up a sheet as a back-drop and use different props. Hats, scarfs, bikini, etc. I used his favorite shirt and he loved that picture. We took two rolls of film so we knew we would have 12 good ones. :)
Posted by Shelley Ann; updated 01/12/04