Making My Own...

Hi my name is Susi well my big problem is that I`VE WENT TOLOTSSSS of quinceanera stores to look at invitations and I JUST always end up with the same conclusion everyone (all the other 15 aneras) have those type of invitations I WANT SOMETHING NEW, SOO i thought about making them , but I NEED TO FIND A nice backgroung that goes with my cinnderella theme ( maybe a carriage, slipper, cinderella, casttle) I NEED HELP .
@ home" thank you
Posted by susi; updated 12/22/03


Thank You
I read your message and I think it`s an excllent idea
Thanks for helping me out.
My only problem with your idea is that I don`t know how to send pictures. I think you need a scaner , but I don`t own one. MY computer has alot of pictures saved in
Microsoft works of pictures about Cinderella and so That I have copied from the internet , but I don`t know if I can send you those.

Can you please send me your e- mail adress
Some ideas of pictures that I would like to use in my invitations would be:

*glass slipper
* pumpkin carriage
( anything that has to do with cinderella)
Please mail back
Thank you
Posted by susi; updated 12/28/03


I just finished my daughter Amanda`s Sweet Sixteen. Email me if you want to see a picture of Cinderella`s Pantry.
Posted by Reyna; updated 10/09/05