Need Help!!!
Hey every1 i need help planning my 15th my b-day aint til` Oct 12 but the party is on Oct 16th, i got the hall already. But i dont got any ideas all i know is that i want my dress babyblue and my chambelanes in Zootsuits and my dance 4 the waltz is Tiempo De Valz by Chayanne but i need a 2nd song 4 the surprise dance. So do ne of yous got ideas like wat colors goez con babyblue like the color para mi damas and do ny of yous got good sites -N- stuff 2 get the invitations and all that. Thanx
U can also give me a holla @ or IM me @ hisbabygurl8889 LaterZ Gina*
Posted by Gina; updated 12/21/03
Ps......i also need help on picking a theme
Posted by Gina; updated 12/21/03
Well look.....for your damas dresses you should have them white and you should also have your chambelanes wearing white zoot suits and have their ties be the same color as your damas dresses...oh and for your surprise dance you should use like a cumbia or merengue i still haven`t chosen what song i want for my surprise dance but i`ve got enough time.....and about your theme well i really don`t know if it theme is cinderella/beauty and the beast/sleeping beauty......oh and for your invitations just go to and in the saerch box type in quinceanera invitations....hope i helped you
Posted by Talia; updated 12/22/03