Sweet 15 (quinceanera)
My niece is having her sweet 15 on 3/13/04. Does anyone know of a web site that sells the supplies to make your own favors (recuerdos)? Please let me know A.S.A.P Thanks
Posted by sandra; updated 12/18/03
Well you can go to aannovelty.com and there you`ll find some stuff.........hope i helped......LATERZ
Posted by Talia; updated 12/18/03
Thanks, They had some of the stuff I needed. Does any one know a website where they sell the little damas and chambelanes(????) Or even the slippers and swans? I like to make my own recuerdos, I just need to know where to buy it. I live in the middle of Orlando and Miami, Florida. Does anyone know of any stores around here that sell stuff for 15ces? Hasta later!
Posted by sandra; updated 12/19/03