Chambalan Vs Brother
Okay, well i chose my ex-boyfriend as my chambalan (we`re best friends). Now nobody in my family ever knew that he and i went out. Mybrother (who is my stand in dad) is very protective of me and i dunno what to do about the two of them. I don`t want my brother to be overprotective on that day and i don`t want him to kick my chambalan`s butt (everyone knows that he has feelings for me) so, what should i do?
Posted by inneedofadvice; updated 12/17/03
Why don`t you just explain to your bro what you want for your quinces.....maybe he`ll understand.....i know what it`s like to have an over-protected me.....just give it a try and then tell me what happend....LATERZ
Posted by Talia; updated 12/17/03
Well i mean its all about being with different people so break it down to your brother and well id say you pick someother guy rather than your ex get some one that you would really want to know but most of all have fun!!!!!!!!
Posted by cali; updated 12/17/03
Well my advice to you is you should pick your brother ,cuz the tradition in having a 15th is not to have a boyfriend before entering adult hood ........
Posted by mel; updated 01/07/04