I Need Help
Well fo one thing i aint got a dad well i do but i dont consider him dad just father he aint in my life so instead who do i dance wit????also how do you make an even amount of couples(damas chambelanes) if i wnat a chmbelane to ?????does the couples have to be uneven????well plz help
Posted by babygurl; updated 12/08/03
Do you have a close padrino, cousin, uncle, grandpa, or someone with a fatherly figure? Anyways I would say chose someone like that. A person who has most helped you out in your life. About the couples everyone should be even since evry girl will be having a guy won`t they? Or if you mean how many couples it doesn`t matter how many you have. Anyways hope it helps.
Posted by Jessica; updated 12/09/03