Quinceanera Questions
What is a good dance for the father/daughter dance?
What is the difference between a baltz and a waltz?
My colors are gonna be navy blue and white, any ideas?
Im probably gonna have 14 damas and 14 chambelanes, should I invite their parents?
I know that there is the changing of the shoes, any other traditions?
My theme is sort of gonna be like pachuco/gangsta. The guyz are gonna wear zoot suits, and Im gonna provide them with the dark sunglasses that they can wear during the dance and reception. Any other ideas that I can do?
Posted by Maribel; updated 12/08/03
Hey gil i think what you doing is very cute the pachucos espesially whith them sunglasses but look i got you a song for you and your dad to dance its call quinceanera by banda machos and its about how your dad te arullo cuando estabas chiquita but is a thigt song you sould try it im geting that one for my 15 in april the 24 and about the 14 damas and the 14 chambelanes i think thats a very good idea but the problem is do you have your mero chambelan because thaths the very importanat tingh for your 15 well go to go by.
Posted by Jessica; updated 12/08/03
Hi, look, a good song for the father/daughter dance is Quinceanera by Los Dandys or de Nina Mujer by Julio Iglesias, sang or instrumental. The colors you want are nice. The amount of couples is a bit high. Remember that the more couples the more problem to learn the dances and to get together. If you want to avoid problems, have less couples, six is a good number. And yes, do Invite their parents. And please, whatever you do, don`t make the guys wear pachuco tuxs. They are not appropriate for a Quinceanera. I don`t know where people got the idea of wearing them, maybe is to keep in touch with their American roots. Have fun and God bless. Have more questions? write me: sacubayuca@yahoo.com
Dance Instructor
Posted by alejandro; updated 12/08/03