Hey, well my quinceanera is coming up and i was wondering if it was weird two have only like two or three damas (my best buds). I mean, i don`t wanna have the trouble of having a whole bunch and deal with attitudes and not showing up for practices. Also, i don`t have chamballanes for them (i just have one for myself....my best guy friend). So is this weird? and another thing, what do i do if a dama can`t make it to a dance practice, should i reschedule or just tell them to come over another day? last question....should my damas wear all the same dress or just a dress of the same color (but not the same dress)....what looks better? well, that`s it. If anyone can answer ALL my quinceanera questions....i will be so grateful!!!!!!!!!!!thanks a bunch.
Posted by n need of advice; updated 12/07/03
I have been a choreographer for the last ten years and once I worked with a quinceanera that had only two couples. They were good dancers and did a very good job. The total amount of people in your court depends on you. If you want 14 couples that is fine but if you want to save time and avoid problems then have only a few. If you want to have only girls and few of them that is also fine. You can have them wear the same dress and color to look more uniform, however, if you want to save money have them buy the dress they want. Remember, they are making you a favor, not you to them. Be ready for any problem regarding practices, it is their time not yours. To end, do as you please. But do it carefully.
Dance Choreographer
Posted by alejandro; updated 12/08/03