Quince Info:New Webpage!!
Hey everyone-
I want to create a web page with basic info about quinceaƱeras like padrinos, church service, songs, themes, pictures, and some other stuff. Anyways do you think that would be a good idea? Does anyone know of a place to create a free webpage??
Anyways tell me what you think about this and if you have any advice on what else to include or anything please help! thanx.
Posted by Tania; updated 12/07/03
Hey well here are a couple of sites for ur quncie website:
Well dat is only a few i will try to come up wit more when is ur quincie??well dat is a good idea bout creating a web page bout quincies e-mail me at heavensangel1600@hotmail.com so i can give u ideas
Posted by Hbklover; updated 12/07/03
Thanx for the help!
Posted by Tania; updated 12/07/03
Anyone else that can help?
Posted by Tania; updated 12/09/03