One Year Anniversary

What is a good fast idea to get my boyfriend, he got me a really expensize ring, how can i get anywhere near that?
Posted by Ashley; updated 12/02/03


Hey, you don`t need to get him anything expensive
Get him a nice anniversary card, not sumthin that is like 3 bucks to 4 buckks, spend like an extra dollar or two on the card. Buy somehing that he wants but doesnt watn to buy like a football jersery ?? or you can take a picture of you and him and get it printed on a t-shirt and buy a teddy bear and let the bear wear the shirt, that would cost no more thatn $35. And you can also add like a candle. Boys like candles! trust me!
Posted by taz; updated 01/05/04


The best gift would be one from your heart. Give him a "Night of Passion" with passion party products.
Posted by Nelda Ballard; updated 01/06/04


You can find many products that can make you anniversary a success at my website.
Check it out and "Happy Anniversary" and may you have many more.

Visit our page for more info: Passion Parties by Nelda

Posted by Nelda Ballard; updated 01/10/04


What would be a good gift to buy my boyfriend for our one year anniversary since he bought me a $400.00 ring and I don`t know what to buy him please help.
Posted by Ashley; updated 04/01/04


Well, write him a letter expressing how you`ve felt this past year. Also, buy him maybe a teddy bear.
Posted by Jamie; updated 01/19/11