Wedding Gown Preservation

Unique Celebrations is an authorized dealer for Wedding Gown Preservation Company. We offer this easy, inexpensive way to preserve your precious wedding memories.

Keep your heirloom gown in the family for generations to come, by preserving it the right way with a company you can trust and depend on . . . Wedding Gown Preservation Company.

We use proven formulas to remove spots and treat the entire gown for sugar stains. Your gown is thoroughly cleaned with extra attention given to the neckline, trim and hemlines.

Our experts shape the gown, position a full bust form and fill the sleeves. It is then wrapped in acid-free tissue and fitted carefully into a preservation chest with an acid-free display window. The preservation chest is then enclosed in a 700 lb.-test shipping carton.

Your gown is then shipped back to you pre-paid anyhere in the United States by UPS or Fed-Ex professionals. You receive the gown within ten to fifteen working days from when we receive it.

Visit our Bridal Store Online to order your Wedding Gown Preservation Kit for a discount.

Visit our page for more info: Unique Celebrations

Posted by Stephanie Fudge; updated 11/30/03