Bar Mitzvah Lessons, Lincoln, NB

Bar Mitzvah Lessons Bat Mitzvah Lessons
Bar Mitzvah Tutor Bat Mitzvah Tutor

Bar Mitzvah Lessons Nebraska

Bar Mitzvah Lessons Lincoln, NB
Bar Mitzvah Lessons Bellevue, NB
Bar Mitzvah Lessons Grand Island, NB
Bar Mitzvah Lessons Kearney, NB
Bar Mitzvah Lessons Hastings, NB

Bar Mitzvah lessons at home, anywhere in the world,
Using the internet and the latest video technology.

Our Websites:

Inspiring our Bar/Bat Mitzvah students to embrace
Jewish life and to be proud of their heritage.

Who We Are:

We are Rabbi David and Cantor Lee, congregational clergy,
Highly experienced and dedicated Bar/Bat Mitzvah mentors, offering Bar Mitzvah lessons and ceremonies, officiating
Anywhere in the world.

Our Bar/Bat Mitzvah training is tailored to the Hebrew skills, aptitude and spiritual needs of our students and their families.
This includes Hebrew reading and chanting as well as understanding basic Jewish values.

Over the many years of mentoring and teaching, we have been guiding countless students on their journey to becoming a Bar or Bat Mitzvah. Many are special needs students who respond best to various teaching modalities and techniques.

Our Bar Mitzvah Lessons are fun, engaging and highly
Effective. The training methodology is carefully tailored to the student’s learning needs.

Our Philosophy:

A. In addition to teaching Prayers, Torah reading and
Chanting, our Bar/Bat Mitzvah preparation
Process is about inspiring our students by instilling in
Them a love for Judaism and Israel. Experience shows
That students excel if they are inspired. Genuinely caring
For our students and having pride in their progress, as well as
Patience, compassion, and enthusiasm, always makes our Bar
Mitzvah lessons exciting and special.

As mentors we motivate our students with a true
Understanding of the significance of the Bar/Bat
Mitzvah preparation. Consequently, learning the prayers
And/or the Torah portion becomes a welcomed
Assignment rather than a boring chore. It is the love and
Pride in Judaism that flourishes long after the memory of
The lessons fades away.

B. While our teaching methods are effective and personalized, we do not believe in exerting unnecessary pressure on our Bar/Bat Mitzvah students just for the sake of performing “required” reading for the Bar Mitzvah service.
Everything learned in the preparation process is for the
Student’s personal growth and not only for leading services.

Instilling Jewish Values

An important part of the preparation process is the true understanding of basic Jewish values.
During the course of our mentoring, we encourage the student
To explore the meaning of becoming mature and responsible Jewish adults. As a result, the student truly understands Jewish ethics such as Chesed and Tzrdakah (performing act of kindness and charity) , “Tikun Olam” ( improving our environment and our world) “Baal Tashchit” (our responsibilities as custodians of the world ) – to name a few.

Our Methodology

In order to create a positive Bar /Bat Mitzvah training
Experience we use three proven principles:

• Learning In Small Increments:
Assigning clear and reasonable goals for every stage
Of the learning process and for each Bar Mitzvah

• Using Phonetics to Introduce the Hebrew Letters, vowels and phrases:
The Hebrew letters and the sound symbols (Vowels)
Are introduced by comparing them to the familiar
Pronunciation of their English counterparts.

• Gradual Integration of the Learned Text with the Chanted Music:
As the student begins to master basic Hebrew reading,
Prayer and Torah melodies are gradually and carefully
Introduced and integrated into the lessons

Our Websites:

Our Bar/Bat Mitzvah Lessons Are:
• Affordable
• Effective
• Convenient, easy and fun
• And provide Jewish enrichment

Very reasonable tuition for Bar Mitzvah lessons as well as affordable Bar/Bat ceremony fee.

As Bar Mitzvah tutors, our Bar Mitzvah lessons implement the most effective Bar Mitzvah training meticulously adjusted to each individual student’s learning ability.

Easy To Learn:
Today’s students relate very well to information presented to them on a computer screen. They thrive on individualized attention of the Bar Mitzvah tutor during the Bar Mitzvah lessons

Students and parents do not have to travel anywhere to meet with their Bar Mitzvah tutor for their Bar Mitzvah lessons.

Judaically Enriching:
The Bar Mitzvah tutor incorporates into the Bar/Bat lessons Jewish principals, spiritual foundations and values. Our Bar Mitzvah training emphasis the significance and relevance of the Bar/Bat Mitzvah ceremony to our modern times.

True Understanding of The Bar /Bat Mitzvah Celebration:

Our Bar/Bat Mitzvah lessons are meant to encourage the student to continue his/her Jewish journey beyond the Bat Mitzvah training.
Rabbi David Degani
Bar/Bat Mitzvah Lessons



Posted by David Degani; updated 12/20/12