I Need Help
I need help on a color for my Damas if i wear pink what should they ware????????????????
Posted by lisa; updated 11/18/03
Hey, look at it this way if your wearing pink and you like pale colors your damas should wear a lighter pink and if you like darker colors they should wear a daker pink.
And if thats not the case than they could wear the same color pink as you or white b/c no other colors would match with your dress or color theme. But it`s all up to you, your family, and your damas.
Posted by Zulai; updated 12/24/03
Hey well i think you should go with whatever you think is best, but do u think that i should get red and white for my colors? well i also need a check list for what to do and when to do it. If i had red and white what do you think woulld be a cute theme to go with my quince well get it back
Posted by Jenny; updated 12/24/03
Jessy if you could email me your email or post it I could give you a full check list with all the features you like. My email is boriquaprincess2004@yahoo.com
Posted by Zulai; updated 12/24/03
Hey zulai whats up...yeah that would be great here`s my e-mail xx1_preshus_xx1@yahoo.com ,e-mail me plzzz with a full check list i would really appreciate it alot!!!k thx well im out....alrato
Posted by Jenny; updated 12/24/03
Zulai can u also send me a check list.my e-mail address is claudiarivera@sbcglobal.net
Posted by babybash's; updated 12/25/03
Hey ok first of all to Jenny.. Red and white are straight up ugly colors and they look soooooo ghetto!!!!! But anyways... I was in my friends quince and her dress was pink too and we wore light blue dresses. It looked real cute her theme was butterflies on clouds or somethin and my other friends dress was pink too and we wore light yellow dresses and her theme was just pink and yellow roses it looked real nice cause it was in the spring. But wateva color u choose for ur damas make sure it is light like blue yellow lavender or the same color as ur dress but anyways make sure its not a darker pink that looks ugly.. And yea just make sure the color is a pastel color!!
Posted by Mel; updated 12/25/03
Well Mel taht was mean what you said about Jenny`s colors beceause first of all it`s her quince and she chooses what she likes. And red and black don`t always have to be ghetto. And what if she wanted it to be ghetto? Besides roses is a good theme for red and black and if there is a theme for her colors than it`s nice colors. And u know what, her quince is going to be special because it`s the colors SHE WANTS!!! You would`t like it if someone told you that your colors are or were ugly, would you? And for lisa`s colors it won`t look ugly if she picks a darker pink because she picked it and that`s all that count`s your and my opinion doesn`t really matter your the least because your making people feel bad.
Posted by Zulai; updated 12/25/03
Well first of all mel i didnt write things and ideas on this meassage board so sum gurl like u could come in and start hatin....I dont think these message boards are made for people to be critizising other people aight..well zulai thx fo backin me up girl.
Posted by Jennifer; updated 12/26/03