
Help! My best friend asked me to be part of her quinceanera but I`m white and have absolutely no idea what to expect or do... I already told her I would do it but now im going nuts because 1. I don`t know how to dance, and 2. I`ve never been to a quinceanera. It`s in july so she said we`ll have plenty of time to practice but im more nervous than i`ve ever been before and I rarely get nervous. So please help me, i`m begging you!!
Posted by Kassie; updated 04/19/12


Hello, I`m a Quince Choreographer. Don`t be nervous, I have been choreographing events for several years now and in just about every group I teach there are boys & girls that have never danced before and have yet to be in a Quinceanera. Most of the boys & girls that I teach that have never danced before end up being the best dancers in the group. I wish you the best!!


Posted by Lynny; updated 04/21/12


Here are some my websites of music for the right songs. They are youtube.com/quincemusic and myquincemusic.com Songs are in English & Spanish

Visit our page for more info: G-Mara Song Productions ~ Special Events

Posted by Gmara Songwriter; updated 04/28/12