15 B-Day In 7 Months!!!!! Yeah!!!!!!

Hey so can u people help me out my 15 birthday is in June 2004 so i really need help with my dress im thinking strapless but i need help finding one if u could help i would appericate it.

~PeAcE OuT~
Posted by Jeanette; updated 11/14/03


Hey gurl well i have a few pics of dresses that you might like and strapless is a good choice so have fun at ur quince and holla @ me my e mail is

So give me a shout and i`ll pass them on to ya.
By the way mine is in 7 1/2 months.(JULY)
Posted by ANGEL~BABY; updated 12/18/03


Well look my quince is in april of 2004 and i got my dress from marysbridal.com they have some really nice dresses.....look at my dress and tell me what you think go to beloving collection and go to the 3rd page and it`s the 11th dress....tell me what you think.....LATERZ
Posted by Talia; updated 12/22/03


Hey taila i like ur dress u picked out its kool and adriana i think i know u cuz i have u on my msn and yeah so i know u from skool 2 and i wonder from else 2 so hahaha

Taila have a wonderful 15th birthday
U 2 adraina
Posted by jeanette; updated 12/27/03