Remote Control Blimps are a great tool for generating interest and excitement for your product or business. Blimps are reminiscent of the MetLife and Goodyear blimps. Just seeing one in the sky causes people to stop and take notice. Unlike banners towed behind an airplane, which have become so commonplace, Blimps are the only form of aeriel advertising which can be interactive with your customers. By adding our Coupon dropper, bubble machine or ping pong ball drop, your brand will resonate with your customers as they have a unique experience with either watching the blimp fly, do aerial stunts or make drops from the blimp. Additional options such as video cameras, strobe lights and LED lighting can easily be added to your flight package.

- Advertising -Promotions - Entertainment

****** Airborne Video Platform for: *******

- Video Simulcast
- Concerts - Golf Tournaments - Fund Raisers - Corporate Events

- Film Making - Commercials - Surveillance

- Photography - Live Video Stream

Powered by 3 electric engines, our 15 foot blimp can stay airborne for up to 2 hours before landing to swap out its power pack. Our blimp is designed to be flown both outdoors or indoors.

Phone: 270-DIGITAL (344-4825)

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Orlando 407-610-6103
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Visit our page for more info: Unlimited Dog Tags - On Location Laser Engraving

Posted by Kyle; updated 11/26/11