We are looking to find a buyer for our Halloween inventory. There are nearly 30,000 total units of inventory that will be included in this total, which consists of costumes, accessories, masks and wigs, makeup/prosthetics, props and decor.
Costumes comprise nearly 50% of the quantity on hand total, accessories comprise nearly 26% of the total quantity of hand, and the remainder consists of (in order of total QOH): props, makeup/prosthetics, wigs, decorations, hats, masks, weapons & staffs and shoes. We do have a list of the inventory that is available. If interested, please email us at clearancehalloween@gmail.com
Photos and video are shown below to give you an idea of the inventory:
Link to ClearanceHalloween Photo Gallery: https://picasaweb.google.com/ClearanceHalloween/HalloweenInventory?authkey=Gv1sRgCPfY6p2Cm9WelAE#
Link to ClearanceHalloween YouTube Channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/ClearanceHalloween