My Quinceanera
My name is vanessa and i just came from a quinceanera party...omg it was so fun! any wayz ha ha ha well before i went to the party..i had my practices for my quinceanera and this was our first practice so we didnt really practiced the dance......we practiced the introduction of it( you know..when they call out everyones name) yeah well we cant really affored a dance teacher of any kind to show us a vals but my aunt is willing to do it. Butsince she dont know much as professionals do..i kinda need help....i was just hoping some one out there can give me some tips,steps,or moves for a vals...please send me pics of a step or a move that cool for a vals because i really want my quince to be cool...please help me out and give me some moves....thanx so much xoxo
Posted by ~Vanessa~; updated 11/09/03
Please help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted by Vanessa; updated 11/23/03