Eve Of Milady Wedding Gown
I am getting married August 15th 2011. It would be my dream to wear the dress from Eve of Milady that`s pictured as E4 on the Website. Unfortunately, I do not have 1000`s of dollars to spend on my dress. Is there anyone out there who is selling this dress or knows where I may be able to get it at a discount price? I have tried on so many gowns and don`t feel beautiful or haven`t found "the one" yet because I feel like this is the one! Took my breath away when I saw it! Please help me make my dream come true!
Posted by Anita; updated 03/09/11
I know I can help you send me an email ella-20102010@hotmail.com congratulations on your engagement.
Posted by Jozell; updated 03/14/11