When Do Start Planing
Hey..Okay my birthday is in December..i`ll be 13..yes i know its early! but i dont know if its too Early to start planning or not but im not going to have it on my birthday it will be in august.....But if you could help i would really apriciate it
Posted by Araselie; updated 10/26/03
Hey i know this is kinda stupid cuse this message is so old...sorry im just now readind it...anyways...START PLANNING!!! i started november 2002 and now its 2 months away and everythings going prefect.....!!!!!!!!! i asked my chambelanes y damas a year ago
Posted by christina; updated 01/13/04
Im 13 and what Im doing its looking for my dress because I want to find the perfect one. Im just taking peoples ideas and trying to make it my own. So my quince will be like i wanted it to be. Your not young to start planning you have to get ideas so it wlll be like you wanted it to be!
Posted by w; updated 01/14/04