Wedding Invitations

My mother and father are divorced. My father is not in a relationship, but my mother is. She has been in this relationship for 12 years and everyone knows him as my step-father, but they are not married. How should my wedding invitations be worded? He has played a major role in my life for the last 12 years and I don`t want to exclude him.
Posted by Dz Wifey; updated 10/22/03


We were in the same situation, what we decided to do was not list the parents at all. It worked for us but I guess it is not for everyone. My parents were gracious (it is my fiancee with the pseudo step Dad) and agreed it would be best. Ours our worded.......

As Autumn lives turn their brillant hue
Two hearts will join and say I do
Mary Marie Smith and
Robert Joseph Jones
Will be joined in a holy union
On Saturday, the first of November
Two thousand and Three....
Then our church info follows.....
Then it reads

Together with our parents we joyfully ask you to share in this celebration of life and love.
Good luck with what you decide.
Posted by AliceB; updated 10/22/03