Jazz Is For You Too

Hi All. Now that it`s our slow season, I`d like to tell you that we now have trio`s available for as little as $400. Certainly this depends on several factors but, this is very dooable. And, no, noone who honestly claims too be playing the "real jazz" can and or will do it for less. Yes, it could happen but, I would not want to bet on it. I care more about inviting quality people in to your life, and, yes, that`s what you`re doing when you hire someone to play at your event. I care more about giving you an experience that you`ll remember fondly than many doo, and am proud of it. We do what we do not just because we enjoy doing it but because we honestly enjoy making the world more fun for you and anyone else who hears our music. Be in touch any time you like then.

Visit our page for more info: Ian Dylan Music

Posted by Ian Dylan; updated 09/06/10