Photographer For Services Hints From Once Upon A Mitzvah

Here`s a pointer:
Don`t be disappointed when you get your long awaited video back of that special day of the service only to find out that you can`t see the bar/bat mitzvah child through almost 50% of the video. Who could imagine such a thing could happen? What video person would ever let such a thing happen?

Very simple but often overlooked: At most services, most temple/synagogue require that the video camera be set up an running in one position prior the services starting and throughout. What most people don;t realize, is that they focus the camera at the Bema. However, for 50% or more of the service your glorious child may be sitting during the service and where will he/she be sitting? In a chair usually placed behind the stand and basically out of site of the camera.

The little things do add up sure to think it all through and don`t be a shy about asking for help or bouncing ideas off the people that surround you!

Visit our page for more info: Once Upon A Mitzvah

Posted by Nicole Chaness; updated 08/06/10