Quinceanera Questions
What is a good dance for the father/daughter dance?
What is the difference between a baltz and a waltz?
My colors are gonna be navy blue and white, any ideas?
Im probably gonna have 14 damas and 14 chambelanes, should I invite their parents?
I know that there is the changing of the shoes, any other traditions?
My theme is sort of gonna be like pachuco/gangsta. The guyz are gonna wear zoot suits, and Im gonna provide them with the dark sunglasses that they can wear during the dance and reception. Any other ideas that I can do?
Posted by Maribel; updated 10/08/03
I want to know more about that rose petal thing!
Posted by betty; updated 10/08/03
Well another tradition is the your last doll and yes you should invite parents and 14 girl 14 guys might be hard to find since you have to pratice your dance but you can do it. Mmmm you should do a slow dance with your dad it can be in english or in spanish doesnt matter just one that you know you could dance to in ur dress and if you need anything else email me Jewel580@hotmail.com
Posted by Yalisse; updated 10/08/03