Posted by Margie; updated 10/08/03
Hey margie I`m trying to find out about the tradition too. Let me know if you find out anything!
Posted by Betty; updated 10/08/03
Email me Jewel580@hotmail.com
Posted by Yalisse; updated 10/08/03
Well what exactly do you need to know??
Posted by *Jennifer*; updated 10/08/03
Jennifer, look for the previous message I posted on the 7th. It kind of explains what I want to know? Under the same "Quinceanera traditions"
Posted by Margie; updated 10/09/03
Ok I will repost it here, this is what I wanted and still want to know, lol
Hi, My sister is having her Quinceanera on the 25th of this month. And we were just trying to figure out all the details regarding the traditions for the mass, but is there a specific order??............. And at the reception I know there are other traditions to be follow, but what ? and in what order? If anyone can helps us figure this out it would be very much appreciated.
***What I mean by traditions is the things she will be receiving, say, La Ultima Muneca. Even the change of shoes by the parents... When is all of these things done????
Posted 10/07/03 by Margie
Posted by Margie; updated 10/09/03
Traditions: crowning before eating.
The drinking og wine.
Dances with chambelances and damas.
Balia de dolar(people pin money to your dress so they can dance with you)
Girl dances with chambelan/father to a slow song
These are some traditions at reception
Posted by benny; updated 10/10/03
Heres a list of things you need for your quinceanera
Corona (crown), cruz,medalla, biblia, rosario, libro de oraciones, collar(necklace),brazalete, aretes,anillo,ramillete for you the damas and the virgen,regalo sorpresa, recuerdos, ultima muneca, almohada para arrodillarse,and the scepter
Posted by janie; updated 10/12/03
If nothing else, have you tried your local library? I know there are some books out there to help you in your preparations for a quince. I have found some to be VERY good resources. Just a thought. Good luck in your planning!
Posted by Veronica; updated 10/17/03
I need some advice on how to plan my party please help!!!
Posted by josephina; updated 08/10/04