What Happenned ToBrobee`s Performance???

My daughter hired the Brobee character from Fun Factory. According to the website there are planned activities such as a parade, games & gifts for the children. The characters came late and stood in the driveway 10 minutes as if we were supposed to tell them what to do. Once they were coaxed to the back yard the balloon girl turned on the music (which nobody could hear) and blew up balloons (which all popped upon handing to the children). The kids all stood there waiting to do something with Brobee...are you wondering what Brobee was up to? Nothing...he basically moved his arms around...we finally got involved and started the parachute game after 40 minutes of no entertainment and proceeded to start the parade with Brobee....A couple of us guest believe the girl had smoked marijuana prior to the party, others thought she was just slow. Either way, character entertainment is meant to excite the children and get the energy going...we could`ve done a better job in the costumer...the worst part is the manager, Jeff, proceeded to take out the $40 unauthorized, which my daughter short paid (so she paid $185 instead of $225) and hung up on her when she called to voice her complaint. We will be sure to inform all of our friends about this experience...
Posted by Debi Ferguson; updated 04/20/10


I was at that party and the character was really dissappointing. The CD player didn`t work properly. They weren`t organized and I wouldn`t paid them $50. I thought it was terrible. The assistant (who could have been dressed for a birthday party instead of looking like she was working a garage sale) blew up balloons for 45 minutes and the other 15 played with the parachute. That was it. It was only the suggestion of one of the guests that they have a parade. I thought maybe this was their first show since neither the character nor the assistant acted like they knew what they were doing. It was a mess.
Posted by Toni C; updated 04/20/10


I agree... Totally not worth the money. Brobee just stood there and the assistant kept looking at her cell phone. They were 20 minutes late and after being there for about 25 minutes.. Said.. We are leaving in 5 minutes..
Do use this company FUN FACTORY... Save your money...
They promised goodie bags.. But didnt have any.
Big disappointment
Posted by karen; updated 04/20/10


I have hired a few child characters in the past and none were this somber and so out of character. You should hire new and energetic people that are receptive to children. Looks like lack of training on your behalf. This was a waist of money.

One more thing:
NO! Company should EVER! take from their Customers, credit/debit cards with out their consent.

Bad business ethics and not good for business!!!
You could have handled the whole thing more professionally!!!!
No referrals from this party!!
Posted by Martha West; updated 04/21/10


Very disappointing. All guest were complaining and wandering when the activities were going to start. Brobee just stood around as though he was a prop. The so-called manager had to lead him by the hands and guide him to the back yard. When the manager finally played the music, no one could here it, unless you were standing right next to the musice box. For a back-yard children`s party, you would think the entertainers (or I should say, non-entertainers) should have had a larger music box with volumn. When I inquired of the cost (because the character was not doing anything to entertain) I was told $225.00. My reply was, "I could do better than this and only charge you $100". (I`m 61 years old) I am encouraging the parents to file a complaint with the BBB and request a refund. Per the parents, the character Brobee did no activity that was agreed upon. The only action he did was to show-up.
Posted by CourtanyaF; updated 04/21/10


Was at the party, Brobee and his friend were not in the mood to party obviously. Didn`t interact with the kids much. Thanks to one of the family members they got the kids going. Shame on you for charging full price for your unprofessional services. She should be refunded. We were considering using your company before this. Would not recommend your company to anyone.
Posted by Arlene; updated 04/21/10


I attend this party and was very dissapointed with the performance of both brobee and the "assistant". They did not try to involve the kids in any activites..brobee stood there waiting for the kids to come up to him and once they did he only played air paddy cake and did NOT even dance. Because of the fact brobee cant talk he should have been energetic or the assistant should have been more outgoing. It wasnt even that HOT imagine on a hot day?! he would have crawled to the backyard!!
Posted by Janine; updated 04/21/10


**note - the Fun Factory in Irvine is the branch Brobee was ordered from. The most offensive part to me is the fact the manager noted on this very website is the one who was rude and hung up in Bridget`s face...very unprofessional...DO NOT USE FUN FACTORY - IRVINE BRANCH.
Posted by Debi Ferguson; updated 04/21/10


I attended the birthday party and Brobee was late! When he and his asst did get there, he stood in the front yard as if he was waiting for the kids to run up to him. Once he got into the backyard about 10 minutes later his assistant (who looked like she hadn`t showered or brushed her hair) turned on the CD player which no one could hear and we asked her to move it closer to where people were and she seemed irritated! Brobee then stood there and moved his arms around as she blew up balloons which popped not too long after they were made. After about 10 minutes of this, they said they were leaving soon. One of the family members (an aunt) had to go and talk to the assistant, who then talked to Brobee. The aunt was the one who had to start the parade and pretty much tell them what to do. They were not well organized or didnt have any sort of plans at all! It was not exciting at all until the aunt got involved. Total disappointment and I would not recommend them at all!
Their website says they bring goodie bags, which was a lie!!! Save your money and go elsewhere!!!
Posted by Michelle; updated 04/22/10