I am turning 40 this year and i have never had a birthday party ever in my life.I had big dreams after graduating from high school as to become a fashion design and attend school in New York but those dreams were shattered by family. So my next thing was to get married and have childern. Well i`m still at home and that has not happen yet. I have been struggling ever since. So i have made up in my mind that this year to make my dream come true and put a smile on my face is to lose weight and have the biggest birthday bash like the celebrities do. I have watch MTV`S MY SWEET SIXTEEN and thought maybe just maybe if i write to them they may consider doing a 40 and Fabulous birthday celebration show. Then i said maybe if Oprah was still doing her NEVER IN YOUR WILDLEST DREAMS SHOW that i could have my birthday wish of having it be like her LEGENDS BALL THEME and have the REAL LLCOOLJ perform at my birthday party. People would say to me stop living a in a fantasy world and face reality. I have met actors and LLCOOLJ back in 1997 hopeing to meet him again some day. Then people have their mouths twisted when i show them that dreams do come true.So to have said all of this, i do not have such of a large budget and are looking for sponsors to help me out to make my dream come true. My birthday is 12/18/2010. And i`m in need of some assistance as to how to go about getting sponsored. Contact me at
Posted by AMY; updated 04/02/10