Spandex Covered Towers, W/ Feathers

I have 16 36" spandex covered feather topped towers. I used them for my wedding and would like to sell them. I may actually have the pieces to build 17 or 18, but I will sell everything for $1600. They do not have the lighted base, we rented them from fancy faces. I do have the lights to illuminate the feathers if you are interested. They must go as a complete set. I have photos from my wedding and will respond to all emails. Please put spandex towers in the subject line.
Posted by Mark; updated 03/07/10


I need exactly 16 of the same centerpeices. Please contact me with a price if you still have them. Thank you!
Posted by Carrie; updated 04/01/10


Can you please send me a picture?
Posted by Michele; updated 04/05/10