Quinceanera Dresses
We would like to buy a quinceanera dress on line from a company called, Dresses By Lilia,
The prices are really great but I was hoping someone could tell me about the company, and whether
They liked the dresses.
Posted by Roberto; updated 09/30/03
Hey I just have to say this, some of those dresses are nice. Especially for people who either don`t have money or people who REMEMBER that it is the cerimony that counts. Not what you are wearing or even the party afterwards, I bet you that a lot of the girls, people ect. On here dissing lilia`s dresses don`t even know the origination story! I don`t feel like having history class so I`ll give you the short hand: Quinceaneras started w/ the native americans, it was to honor that the girls were women..blah blah.... The ball, gowns, and waltz didn`t come in place until a queen from scottland came and implemented them. Don`t believe me? Do your research, and not some book that the white man wrote either. Remember the importance ladies.
Posted by Lillypop; updated 09/30/03
Ummmmm, no YOU need to do your research. The quinceanera ceremony started with the Aztecs and Mayas. At that time though it was for both the girls and boys. Slowly it changed into traditionally for girls. And what is important is that you stay loyal and faithful to God. So get your facts straight ok.
Posted by *Jennifer*; updated 10/01/03
Thats right the aztecs started that tradition thats why its call a "quinceanera" Like homegirl said get your research straight Honey!!
Posted by *`MoNiCa`*; updated 12/31/03
Umm sweety the Aztecs and the Mayans ARE native americans HONEY! Like I said do your reasearch find a book and crack it open! If you knew anything about history you would know that EVERYONE in the Americas from Canada to the southern most tip of south America were all Native American before invasion of hispanola in 1492 sweety get it correct! I am Native, three tribes, and believe me I know my history. LEARN YOURS
Posted by Lillypop; updated 01/12/04
What are you guys talking about! he`s just asking if you guys liked the dresses! ok , well, i think the dresses on the site ore ok, but it is your daughters day so she can choose what she likes! i am sorry but i do not know much about how the company orders. Be careful about ordering on the internet though.
Posted by christina; updated 01/12/04
Yeah,he just wants to know about the dresses.....they are alright,but they look sort of ill-fitting on the model on the site....i wonder about the quality.
Posted by sarita; updated 01/12/04
According to the dictionary...
Native Americans-America`s indigenous peoples
You may have a point in all the Natives being from all the western hemispheres but....I want to clear up then that if you`re from "tribes" they don`t do a quinceanera. Or at least not the way we do it. Plus even though to me it is really important that i stay pure to God...of course I want to look good on that day. So the dresses from the site although cheap...hideous.
Posted by *Jennifer*; updated 01/13/04
Does any one know where it came from?
I am doing a report!
Posted by Jaime; updated 02/11/04