I Want My Quinceanera To Be The Bomb!
I want my quinceanera to be the bomb because I really want to remember it and yes ( i admit it) I want to show-off. Some ppl are saying that we dont remember that a quinceanera is about becoming a woman and that
All we want is to have a party. WRONG. We do remember but we also want to have a good party - is that a crime? Anyways, I want to have everything my way but I know that it`ll eventually get expensive - and i dont want to get padrinos just so they`ll pay for it. These are just a few of the things that I want--
Zoot Suit w/ hats & everthing- for chambelanes
A band and a DJ
Confetti blasts
Balloon drop
Glow in dark stuff
--so it`ll probably end up looking like a night out at a club.
Any comments about anything?
Oh yeah, I want my colors to be navy blue, silver (or white) and black.
Posted by maribel; updated 09/28/03
With all the ideas and colors ur gonna have i bet it will be a great quinceanera cuz i checked out this website its called WWW.YOURQUINCES.COM in the photo gallery and some girl has your color and a star theme and it looks hella tight well i think you should stay with the star theme cux theres this tight website where they sell party theme kits check it out aight: WWW.SHINDIGZ.COM and good luck.
Posted by ely; updated 09/28/03
First of all, how do you know what a night club looks like or should look like. You are just a Lil` Girl! Second of all, forget about Glow-in-the Dark STUFF, Confetti Blasts (whatever that means anyway), Balloon drops (too expensive, besides you are not at prom), & Zoot suits (also too expensive & Ghetto). Stay traditional & simple. That`s the only way your parents will be able to afford it if you are not going to have Padrinos.
Posted by Ice Queen; updated 10/29/03