Hey guyz waz up well for all of you that need help or stuff like that for your QUINCEANERA here I suggest you go to these websites they are definetely some great websites!!!!!! And if any of you want me to help you out on anything else ideas, themes, colors or stuff well then just write back :) ***********~~~
Posted by ELIZABETH; updated 09/26/03
Hey...i just wanted to ask if any of you could send me any sites and information on quinceanera`s..or if you know any quinceanera songs or walts that woud be helpful to me...im having my own quinceanera in about 5 months..thanks for your time..you can email me at..xxurlilchicaxx1@aol.com..
Posted by bibi; updated 07/27/04
Hi Bibi,
click on music in the search box then type quinceanera into the box below. Some CDs will come up. If you look at the 3 on top...the 2 with the pictures are both great. The one with just the girl has some songs with words in Spanish and the pink cover with a girl and her dad dancing has a lot of waltzes. Do you know anyone who already has these and maybe you can borrow them? If not, they aren`t that expensive thru CDNow. I have a lot of websites on my favorites list for quince items so if you want to email me I can drop them into an email to you.
Posted by ~Pat~; updated 07/27/04
Hey i need sum websites........n music so yeah my email is lil_diana4ever2008@hotmail.com
Posted by niƱa; updated 07/27/04
Hey if you have some sites please send me some at goofygal13@aol.com thanxs it will really help me with my quince
Posted by sammantha; updated 07/27/04