I Want To Have A Goth Sweet Sixteen...!

I`m turning sixteen this summer, and I want to throw a party that really reflects who I am. My mom doesn`t like the fact that I`m goth, so she wants me to have a "normal" sweet sixteen. I want to figure out a way to have the party I wish I could have, but still make her happy. She and I have agreed that my color scheme can be black and purple, but I`m not sure where to go from here. Does anybody have any ideas...?
Posted by Victoria; updated 01/26/10


You could have a purple cake with many layers that has black flowers
Posted by abby; updated 01/26/10


Thanks!! I`ll have to run that by the maternal unit and see if it`s acceptable. That sounds really good!!
Posted by Victoria; updated 01/26/10


Maybe it could be like a glow in the dark party or the lighting could be really dark
Posted by abby; updated 01/28/10


That would be really cool, too...!
Posted by Victoria; updated 01/28/10