PleaZ HelP & FaSt PleAz!!!!!!!!!!!! DreSseS??

Pleaz help me to find a dress give me a website or something or ideas pleazz.
My 15 is in June 2004
So pleaz help as soon as possible and give me ideas

~*~ always~*~
Posted by jeanett; updated 09/25/03


Hey dont worry i needed help with my dress too! but look just get a magazine and choose a dress that u like. U can even get different ideas from different magazines. Like u could choose a adress that has a nice top and u could chose another magazine that has a nice bottom u could put those together and it will make a really nice dress. Then take it to this lady i know. She made my dress for me i just took amagazine and she made it exacly just the way it looked in the magazine!!! just email me to give u her adress. By the way i live in chicago i hope u do too!
Posted by Nancy; updated 09/26/03


I got my dress at I got mine in the wedding dress collection. The quinceanera dress collection is nice too but the wedding ones are nicer. Check it out.
Posted by *Jennifer*; updated 09/26/03


About ur dress u should just check out google type in quinceanera dresses and then just go from there it should help u out some. Hope so good luck!

Luv, Alexandria
Posted by alexandria; updated 09/26/03


Thanks 4 all ur help it did help so thank u guys
Talk to u laterzzzzzzzzzz

Posted by jeanett; updated 10/03/03

Posted by Rayna; updated 01/01/04


I have a wonderful site for dresses at:


Great prices too!
Posted by Kathy; updated 01/02/04


Hey well there is a website that i am going to get my quince dress well here`z the website k quinceanera-boutique k well hope u like it bye
Posted by Lorena; updated 01/02/04