What Should I Expect?
Ok, so my friend just asked me to be in her court, and i thought that was really nice of her and stuff, but I was wondering if anyone out there can tell me what to expect? I`m swedish and irish, and know nothing about what is going to be going on. Please let me know what I`m going to have to do, and stuff like that.
Posted by Steph; updated 09/25/03
Ok so basicaly all u do is just dance with this guy it`s called a waltz and u just dance and that`s kool that she asked u and everything so say yes it i`ll be fun trust me im been in 1 !!!!!!!!!
~*~peace out~*~
Posted by jeana; updated 09/25/03
Your just going to have to dance with your partner and march and thats about it
Posted by Maria; updated 09/27/03
Hey im in the same case...im a lil white girl in a quincenera on the 17`th of April...i dont know what the hell to expect but hey whatever...any pointers?
Posted by Britt; updated 04/01/04
Izz easy nuttin to itt .. Lozl .. U gotta march and dance dass itt itz special dat u were invited u gunna have a fun tyme fo real .. !!!
Posted by NENA; updated 06/04/04
One mo thing .. U needa learn how 2 dance .. Lozl . .well w.e song shes picking make sure u can dance to it ..!!!
Posted by NENA; updated 06/04/04
Just expect to practice the vals there is nothing to it. It wont be hard because everyone is bearly learning the vals not just you. And expect to cough up some money for ur dress. The last quince i was in my dress cost me $160- I think that is too much money for something im only gonna wear one time so i wouldnt be in another one if the dress cost the same.
Posted by Maribel; updated 06/04/04