My Male 15th

My male 15th is the bomb...18 couples...Bestman and everything...Limos..Photographers, videography, 300 people church ceremony...Ya can come ya all invited. The girls are going to wear all blue the boys all whit and silver...Its going to be great.I got 7 padrinos...And instead of the taira the crown, instead of the shoes, the jacket, instead of the doll, the hat...So. TELL ME WHAT YA THINK. IS IT POPPING?
Posted by Joseph; updated 09/20/03


When is this going to be and are you sure you want to do that!
Posted by Marina; updated 09/20/03


Wow sounds great alot of people will probably tell u that its only for girls but originaly it was for guys and girls so dont listen to them but anyways i think that sounds like a great idea i`m sure you`ll have a great day good luck.
Posted by jennifer; updated 10/20/03


That`s right boy. You have your rights. I think it is very admirable that you are going to have a Male 15th. It shows you have confidance in yourself !! You have the courage to break the trend of just girls celebrating their entrance into adolescence. I know you will make this more popular, good for you. In what city is your celebration?
Posted by Ale; updated 10/20/03


Wel thanks Ale and Jennifer...By the way its in New york
Posted by Joseph; updated 11/14/03


HOW COOL!!! one of my friend`s friend is also a guy and hes having a quinceƱera!!! i think rthats so cool. Its sad that its in NEW YORK cuz i live in LA. Well ope everything come out great.

Posted by cutee; updated 11/14/03


Hey wuzzup well I am really glad and happy for you that your gonna have a quincenera that great when is it mine is on September18,2004 I`m really excited for you and for me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Good Luck Have Fun!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted by Vanessa; updated 11/18/03


Hey !! Well hope yur quincenero iz off the HOOK !! I am having a quincenera in may 2005 !! But ya know My mom`s already looking into it!! Are you mexican ??
Posted by *SMILEY*; updated 12/05/03