My girlfriend Sandra is getting married to her soul mate in a week and I wanted to take her out to some place special for her bachelorette party. We went to the new club CAMEO in south beach. They have a show called "One Night Stand, I can`t tell you the last time I laughed and danced this hard...lets just say I couldn`t wear my shoes any longer on our way back home. This show was so awesome, I had to get the word out...You can tell the show is exclusively designed for women, the guys are a real bunch of Hotties..They are very different to me from those steroid pumped guys I saw in Vegas last summer. These guys seemed like the real deal to me..They were sweet, sexy & embracing and our group was able to let our hair down and party without feeling intimidated. Also when the show was over we didn`t want to leave the club, so the CAMIO was gracious to let us stay..I later found out that the club didn’t do it just for us. They let anyone that saw the show and wishes to continuing parting, to stay. This beats standing behind a velvet rope at the mercy of a bouncer. Anyhow just wanted to let any of you out there looking for a great place to have your bachelorette, this place is it. Enjoy! You’ll thank me.
Visit our page for more info: Cameo Miami's Hottest Girls Night Out Show
Posted by Lola; updated 11/12/09