Damas, Chambelanes, & Coreografos En Guadalajara, JAL.
1) My quince will be in Mexico, and I am planning them desde U.S., anyone have suggestions regarding that?
2) I`m worried about my guys and girls. I feel forced to make my cousins my chambelanes, because they have always been there for me.. But they arent very good at dancing.
3) I`m kind of tall, and so my chambelanes are probably going to be tall.. But my probable damas are all short!! Haha :D My main boy is like 5` 11" and my shortest dama is 5` 4"..
You see my problem?
She suggested I just put her in tall heels..But honestly, I don`t want to make her suffer.
ANY help?
To summarize:
Anyone have suggestions about planning quinces in a far away place??
How do I pick the right chambelanes and damas?
And what do I do about minor issues, like bad dancers and height differences??
Also I`m looking for a good coreographer in any part Gudalajara, Jalisco.
Busco coreografo en cualquier parte de Guadalajara, JA.
Any references, feedback, suggestions, or comments are great, thanks for your time. =D
Posted by Janelle; updated 11/07/09