Speech/ Poem

I have sent the speeches and poems that I put together for my niece to several people who posted a need for one. (If you put your e-mail address) Anyone who
This is a hard part of planning the Quinceanera so I don`t mind sharing.
Posted by Dawn; updated 10/23/09


Hello i would like you to send me the speech you have because i am turning 15 on october 31st and i am soooo streesssed because i dont know what to say to evryone
Posted by gloria; updated 10/23/09


Please email me a copy of the speech/poem. Thanks in advance.
Posted by Diana Sanchez; updated 11/02/09


Please send me a copy of the speech. I don`t know what to say and I will be soo nervous!!
Posted by Diana; updated 11/03/09


I`d like a copy please, thank you.
Posted by christine; updated 11/05/09


A copy would be great
Posted by clara; updated 11/24/09


Please send a copy to me. I would appreciate it!!
Posted by Rhonda; updated 11/25/09


Can you please email me a speech/poem!! I am in dire need!! I was just told that I was going to present my niece with her last doll and I have to give a speech/poem at the mass. Can you please help me?! It is this Saturday, Dec. 12, 2009!!! HELP!!
Posted by Maria; updated 12/09/09


Please send me a copy!! Thanks!
Posted by Maria; updated 12/10/09