My Quince Dress HELP!!!

K ma theme color z purple n silver n white ma damas r silver with a purple belt but i dnt kno wat color i should get 4 ma dress im brown skinned soo plz help me
Posted by I luV yoUNg MAck; updated 09/19/09


Well in my opinion you should either get a white dress, because its traditional but u could also get a purple dress, either one will look pretty =]
Posted by Rayleen; updated 10/08/09


I have a beautiful Mori Lee Vizcaya dress model # 84005.
I dont know if you still need a dress, but its brand new i have head piece to go with it. I bought it for my wedding which had to be posponed. I sent model # because i currently dont have pics on computer but if you type it in google it will come straight up.
Posted by Lori; updated 11/03/09