Wut Do I Do?!?!
Hey guyz, my 15 is gunna B in the bEgInNiNg of mArCh 2004 and i dOn`T kNoW wUt 2 dO!! i nEeEeEdDd sum help!!! i`m not sure about what colorz 2 do, pink i 2 over-dun so i was thinking a light blue or like lavinder, aLsO i read that 4 15s in that season dArK cOlOrZ are good so maybe dark blue or a nice burgendy. I was thinking of having 7 damas 7 chambelanes y el cHaMbElAn De HoNoR but im thinking of only having chambelanes now. I would have 14 if i only had chamblanes. I dont exacylt have a theme picked yet but i want 2 go with the whole pAcHuCo/GaNgStEr look 4 the gUyZ, theyre zoot suits would B black and i wouldnt have a cHaMbElAn De HoNoR but if i had the dAmAz 2 then i would have a chambelan de honor and his suit would B wHiTe and the other chambelanes would B blACk. I:
The song del valz
Girlz dresses (bought or made?
Surprise dance(yes or no?(merengue,salsa,cumbia,hip-hop?)
Father/daughter dance (song)
And everything else... I just wunt this 15 2 b oOoFfFfF tHa HoOoK!!! i can`t wait and my time`s running out so if NE1 has NE ideas ....... Plz respond
Posted by playful; updated 09/09/03
Hey grrl! well I think that you should have your damas dresses pink. That is the color for a girl. Especially since you are going from a girl to a young woman. So about the surprise dance you should go with hi-hop. Like a missy eliot or shuan paul song. It would look nice. I should know my two sisters had both songs and it was cordiagrphed nicley. Everyone liked that. Also for the song to dance with your dad I think would be Butterfly kisses. If you want an english song. Spanish I really dont know? Hmmm. I danced a Chyanne song with my dad on my quince. So I hope that my opinions helped you out on one of your most special days.
Posted by 'Nessa; updated 09/12/03