Hi! I`m gonna be a dama for one of my teacher`s wedding. I`m having a slight problem with the vals....I know this piece isn`t original and I`ve seen it in so many 15ths. It`s where a circle is formed and the damas dance from one chambelan to the problem is doing the steps while turning, get me?....I can`t seem to get the hang of it...if ne one could please answer me A.S.A.P.!!!!!!!
Posted by Rosa; updated 09/08/03
It is one of the easiest steps there is. If the dama goes to the chambelain turning once it is easy, if you have to give more than one turn then things get complicated. Try to turn fast but at the same time move toward the guy. Don`t stop and walk to him, the step should be continuos, right, left, turn to him and right, left, turn to him. Just remember, as soon as you get to him you start over, right, left, turn. The guys should be using the right arm to turn you around. You have to be going against the clock. The guys should also be ready to turn the dama as soon as they let go the first one. Remember, is all practice, practice, practice, and don`t panic, just practice. If you still have problems ask the instructor and make sure he teaches you how to do it properly before moving on. It is his,her responsibility to make sure everybody knows the steps. Good luck and be patient.
Posted by alejandro; updated 09/09/03
Thanx a bunch!! I got the hang of it now....thanx again!!
Posted by Rosa; updated 09/11/03