Replica Gowns For Sale, And Need To Go!

I have a few gowns, I don`t want them, and have no room for them. I had inherited them from a friend who had owned a replica bridal shop and sold all the gowns she could, and gave the rest to me and a few others. They are in excellent condition, and I just don`t want them, or need them. They need to be dry cleaned, which I will do after the gown is sold. I will get them to you asap, but will take a few weeks for your gown to arrive. Prices also includes shipping charges.

I have: Jh8807: Ivory size 8, $400.00 | JH8800 Cream size 10, $600.00 | Maggie Sottero Pamela Royale, Pamela: White size, 14 $400.00 | Maggie Sottero Cambria white size 18 $610.00 | LZ3806 White size, 10 $720.00 | LZ3910 Ivory size 14, $700.00

As you can see, they are odd numbers, so that`s why it was hard to sell. MS Cambria has been altered to have cap sleeves. No other alterations.

Please message me if you are interested. I have only a few photos, but gowns are exact replicas. I am willing to comprimise on prices. I am very buisy, but will get to your questions asap.

Thanks for reading!
Posted by Kelsie; updated 08/27/09