The tradition is that you have damas and chambelanes
However, I feel that you want to have a modern quincieanera party but still incorporate traditional aspects of the 15. Which is fine becuase it is ultimately your 15.
Also, many times the damas (act like they are the quincieaneras throwing hissy fits, not liking what they see, and taking to long to dress) Good choice
I recently went to a 15 where the girl had both the damas and chambelanes. However for the dance she only included the guys and that is what I hope to do for my daughters 15 in which the 15anera is the focal point. Her parents were from Mexico so she did the zapatiada, wore traditional white dress with the wrap around her waist like the (native women in Mexico use) she had a bottle she danced around the sombrero the guys danced around her
Like another partypop member mentioned see what dance you like that does not req. Damas becuase guy on guy that would be funny and I am pretty sure they would not like to dance together :)
Felicidades en tus Quince!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted by bea; updated 07/13/09