Bar Mitzvah Lessons

Bar Mitzvah Lessons Anywhere

We, Rabbi David and Cantor Lee, along with a group of highly experienced Bar Mitzvah tutors, provide Bar Mitzvah lessons anywhere in the world, using an innovative video conferencing technology. This technology allows for one on one, online Bar Mitzvah lessons. This kind of interaction between the Bar Mitzvah tutor and the student lends itself to relaxed and effective lessons.

Since every student learns differently, the Bar Mitzvah tutor adjusts the Bar Mitzvah lessons according to the individual learning style and circumstances.

After learning to read Hebrew with the Bar Mitzvah tutor, Rabbi David and Cantor Lee prepare the student to conduct a truly meaningful Bar/Bat Mitzvah ceremony, making the Bar Mitzvah lessons experience a time to remember and cherish.

Our Bar Mitzvah Lessons Are:
Truly affordable
Easy and fun

In addition, our Bar Mitzvah lessons provide Jewish enrichment which is based on the true understanding of the Bar/Bat Mitzvah Ceremony.

Our Philosophy:
We recognize that today students are involved in extra curriculum activities and under academic pressures. Our Bar Mitzvah tutors make sure that the Bar Mitzvah lessons are enjoyable and that the entire process is a positive experience - all at a very reasonable price.

Rabbi David Degani
Bar Mitzvah Lessons
Visit our page for more info: Bar/Bat Mitzvah Lessons
Posted by David Degani; updated 07/03/09