Does anyone know the law or procedure about changing your name after a divorce. To make a long story short, I just found out that my fiance`s ex wife still goes by his last name. They have been divorced for over 3 years. This is not something that is automatically done when you get a divorce? I know I shouldn`t let it bother me, but still aggravating. Can she just keep his name forever? To make the situation even stranger she has a serous boyfriend with whom she has a kid. Does anyone know anything about this, or have any advice?
Thanks in advance.
Posted by KERRI; updated 06/15/09


My husband`s ex wife remarried someone and the marriage lasted for 3 years. They are divorced now and she has changed her name back to my husband`s last name. Can you do that legally? Say my husband`s last name is Smith, her 2nd husband name Tolliver, can she go back to Smith if she wanted to? I wouldn`t think one could no but i am unsure..
Posted by Veronica; updated 06/15/09


I have been divorced for 10 years and have 3 children with my ex husband. When we got divorced my children apposed me changing my name as there friends would not be able to look up our phone number ( my kids were 19, 17 and 13). But as far as no kids involved I would have changed my name back the same day I was divorced and this was an option with the judge but because we were married for so long it was a little more complicated with the kids. Some one who has no children and no ties financially or otherwise I cant see why they would not do it. I now face the other problem, I am about to be married on 9/12/09 and do not know how to word our invitation since my name legally is still my ex husbands name. Good Luck Heather (hope this helps)
Posted by Heather; updated 06/16/09


When an individual gets divorced, there is a box in the divorce papers that one can check if they want to go back to their maiden name. Unfortunately, one can keep their married name after their divorce. One can also choose to legally change their name by simply filing a petition with the court and by giving notice by newspaper publication.
Posted by Peggy Roldan; updated 06/18/09