Wedding Sponsors

I have recently gotten engaged, and while I am so excited and very much in love and can not wait to marry my dream man, there is a slight cloud over it all and it is called finances. I do not have the financial support of my parents or his, times are tough for everyone.
I began researching how to afford my dream wedding, and came to the conclusion that I was going to have to cut back on quite a few things. It was in this research that I found the concept of sponsored weddings.
I saw many postings on this website regarding this matter, however they were a bit dated.
So I am posting something new, from something old, hoping to borrow some advice, and no my wedding colors are not blue.
On a side note I am located in Columbus, OH, and would appreciate any help or advice anyone may have.
Thank you
Posted by Liz; updated 06/10/09


Please send your e-mail address as I might be able to help you. Thank you
Posted by Christi; updated 06/22/09


When I read your post it was as if you were in my head.The only difference is one of my colors happen to be blue. Lol... I am also looking for a sponsor and I have been to many sites, I have started calling local businesses and now I`m trying to put a letter together. I am in Phoenix, AZ. Hopefully I can get somewhere with the letter I am just trying to figure what to say or how to put it on paper. Prayfully we both can get a sponsor. Good luck.
Posted by Shadona; updated 04/21/10