Ahh, i need help! In my court i dont want any girls because they`re are just drama&can be soo catty.
Should i have 14 boys only?
I dont want anyone to steal my spotlight and guys seem great.
It seems more traditional with damas and chambelanes but it wouldnt be in my taste.
HELP ME! My quinceanera will be in june 2010 so i have plenty of time to plan.
Posted by Mariana; updated 06/08/09
Hey well i think you should have only guys it looks great but if your still confused if you have damas you should get them a color of dress that wont catch the attention what is the color of your dress or whaht color are you planning of?
Posted by Jessica; updated 06/08/09
I think my dress will be a soft color.
Such as pink(:
But for the girls i would want a color that compliments mine but doesnt take away from the attention on my dress
Posted by Mariana; updated 06/09/09
Hey well in my opinion I think having all guys would be a great idea. I myself had a quinceanera about 3 years ago and I had the traditional 14 guys with 14 girls. I realized that the idea of having all guys never crossed my mind until I attended my cousin`s quince with all guys. If I could do it again I would definantly choose to have just guys. It just looks really nice in pictures because you`ll stand out a lot more, and plus you won`t have to worry about girls taking away your attention. Good luck :)
Posted by Jas-Rod; updated 06/12/09
Hey well i think if you want all the spot light you should have just 14 guys, cuz traditionally thats how its suppose to be, damas weren`t introduced till later. And im having mine in less then a month, so ive pretty much looked up the history of quinceaneras everywhere lol. So if you really want just guys, then have just guys. It looks super pretty, you in the middle of 14 cute guys:)
Posted by BaBy PrInCeSs; updated 06/12/09